Wednesday, November 14, 2007

if it makes you happy

Sheryl Crow,也許是國中還是高中,買了這張吸低,大五那年吸低聽著聽著就不見了,還有小米酒的優拉糖果也是,最近在星光大道聽見黃美珍唱了One of us,也是那時很喜歡的一首歌,總喜歡在MTV這兩首歌的mv,Sheryl Crow 的黑炭粧,唱著:

I've been long, a long way from here
Put on a poncho, played for mosquitos,
And drank til I was thirsty again
We went searching through thrift store jungles
Found Geronimo's rifle, Marilyn's shampoo
And Benny Goodman's corset and pen

Well, o.k. I made this up
I promised you I'd never give up

If it makes you happy
It can't be that bad
If it makes you happy
Then why the hell are you so sad

You get down, real low down
You listen to Coltrane, derail your own train
Well who hasn't been there before?
I come round, around the hard way
Bring you comics in bed, scrape the mold off the bread
And serve you french toast again

Well, o.k. I still get stoned
I'm not the kind of girl you'd take home


We've been far, far away from here
Put on a poncho, played for mosquitos
And everywhere in between
Well, o.k. we get along
So what if right now everything's wrong?


2007 金馬

片名 場次 導演/國家
亡命英倫London to Brighton 豪11/24(六)10:30 保羅安德威廉斯(Paul Andrew Williams)
黯陰羊 Black Sheep 日11/25(日) 21:20 強納森金(Jonathan King) (紐)
聽風的歌 Heima 日11/25(日)13:40 迪恩德布洛斯(Dean DeBlois)(英)
湛藍天空下 Glue 豪 12/07(五)12:30 亞歷克多斯桑度斯(Alexis Dos Santos)