Saturday, December 15, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
Gui Boratto - Chromophobia
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
if it makes you happy
Sheryl Crow,也許是國中還是高中,買了這張吸低,大五那年吸低聽著聽著就不見了,還有小米酒的優拉糖果也是,最近在星光大道聽見黃美珍唱了One of us,也是那時很喜歡的一首歌,總喜歡在MTV這兩首歌的mv,Sheryl Crow 的黑炭粧,唱著:
I've been long, a long way from here
Put on a poncho, played for mosquitos,
And drank til I was thirsty again
We went searching through thrift store jungles
Found Geronimo's rifle, Marilyn's shampoo
And Benny Goodman's corset and pen
Well, o.k. I made this up
I promised you I'd never give up
If it makes you happy
It can't be that bad
If it makes you happy
Then why the hell are you so sad
You get down, real low down
You listen to Coltrane, derail your own train
Well who hasn't been there before?
I come round, around the hard way
Bring you comics in bed, scrape the mold off the bread
And serve you french toast again
Well, o.k. I still get stoned
I'm not the kind of girl you'd take home
We've been far, far away from here
Put on a poncho, played for mosquitos
And everywhere in between
Well, o.k. we get along
So what if right now everything's wrong?
2007 金馬
片名 場次 導演/國家
亡命英倫London to Brighton 豪11/24(六)10:30 保羅安德威廉斯(Paul Andrew Williams)
黯陰羊 Black Sheep 日11/25(日) 21:20 強納森金(Jonathan King) (紐)
聽風的歌 Heima 日11/25(日)13:40 迪恩德布洛斯(Dean DeBlois)(英)
湛藍天空下 Glue 豪 12/07(五)12:30 亞歷克多斯桑度斯(Alexis Dos Santos)
亡命英倫London to Brighton 豪11/24(六)10:30 保羅安德威廉斯(Paul Andrew Williams)
黯陰羊 Black Sheep 日11/25(日) 21:20 強納森金(Jonathan King) (紐)
聽風的歌 Heima 日11/25(日)13:40 迪恩德布洛斯(Dean DeBlois)(英)
湛藍天空下 Glue 豪 12/07(五)12:30 亞歷克多斯桑度斯(Alexis Dos Santos)
Thursday, October 18, 2007
yes it is Radiohead's New Album
沒信用卡,所以填了0元,也不是第一次抓mp3了,但這次真是個難得的經驗,沒付錢,有點心虛,但真的可以下載也!!!! 但我還是想要boxset!!!! 40英鎊含郵的boxset,要怎麼買呢?
日期 2007/10/18 下午 11:15
主旨 W.A.S.T.E. Store order number WAS5472585
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thanks to Radiohead
日期 2007/10/18 下午 11:15
主旨 W.A.S.T.E. Store order number WAS5472585
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thanks to Radiohead
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
A曾說過,他看塔可夫斯基的鏡子中一幕:風吹過草原的畫面 一幕讓他起雞皮疙瘩的畫面,後來我也看了,每次看也是起雞皮疙瘩,那陣風彷彿從螢幕上冷冷地吹進我的心裡,大學的老師王維潔的最愛導演,我想應該也是很多人的最愛,總覺得他的影像是流動的...
10/23下週二晚上lab 21:00 or earlier
導演:塔可夫斯基 Andrei Tarkovsky
" 開始是一場夢:陽光燦爛的草地上,有蝴蝶飛舞,有男孩天真的笑聲……
瑞典導演英瑪褒曼 ( Ingmar Bergman ) 就曾說:「初看塔可夫斯基的影片,彷彿是個奇跡 …… "
10/23下週二晚上lab 21:00 or earlier
導演:塔可夫斯基 Andrei Tarkovsky
" 開始是一場夢:陽光燦爛的草地上,有蝴蝶飛舞,有男孩天真的笑聲……
瑞典導演英瑪褒曼 ( Ingmar Bergman ) 就曾說:「初看塔可夫斯基的影片,彷彿是個奇跡 …… "
Sunday, September 02, 2007
He's lost control : Ian Curtis's joy division
與韋侖吃完春水堂的早餐後便往台北光點前進,到了光點發現已有一排人在櫃檯前面,等了一會,我不耐煩地跑到前面問早上十一點的"control"還有票嗎?櫃檯小姐回答說對啊,不過可以等等看,可能還會有位子,就再十一點左右,我等到一個位子,我也只好捨棄韋侖,自己進去看,不過也好,他進去大概也會睡著然後不知所云,這部電影還是要喜歡joy division的Fans才去看比較好,不太容易因為看了這部電影才喜歡joy division,黑白的色調,導演說因為他對於joy division/Ian Curtis的八0年代回憶及印象就是灰色的,不過我還是覺得這部電影還是不夠悔暗疏離,雖然已經拍的很不錯了,結尾Ian的傳奇自殺果然拍的很低調,有人說他踩著冰塊上吊,隨著冰塊慢慢融化而步上死亡,有人說他還一邊聽著Iggy Pop的idiot唱片自殺...但電影裡只看到曬衣繩釣輪滾動拉緊然後鏡頭畫面猶如從Ian的眼裡看出然後快速闔閉,隔天早上他太太進入屋內驚叫慌亂無措地奔出屋外尋求協助,然後是難過不語的團員畫面,最後是焚燒的裊裊黑煙從煙囪飄往灰濛的英格蘭天空,畫面從沒有帶到他自殺的身影,這樣的處理還蠻真實且有後座力,而他自殺的隔天早上他們本來要離開英國啟程前往美國巡迴,總之在感情三角無解的狀態下以及癲癇病症與服藥的副作用還有成名的龐大壓力,Ian Curtis選擇自殺來了結一切,然後留下的是他的傳奇還有音樂.
我在片末字幕都快跑完之前,在節奏強烈的音樂結束前抓起地上紙袋還有我的包包趕緊離去,趁大部分的人都還在座位上緬懷憑弔時,我受不了那樣如同葬禮般的死亡氣息,怎麼可以看一部電影好像葬禮一樣呢?走出光點,約略午后一點,天氣晴朗光點的草地翠綠,還真像參加完Ian Curtis 的葬禮一般,雖然來看的人早就知道悔暗的劇情與結尾,嗯 這時真需要來部岩井俊二的"花與艾麗絲"來中和一下鬱悶的心情.
joy division's music vedio "transmission"
Control trailer / Freanch subtitle
Director-Anton Corbijn Interview + Control footage / English subtitled
Friday, May 18, 2007
blur - country house
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Mogwai vs. Zidane
That's right,the new album of the post rock band Mowai is called - Zidane: A 21st Century Portait. After surching the related website I just realized that's the soundtrack of the documentary film of Zidane.
Monday, January 29, 2007
i love Green Day !
在 iphone 的發表上,賈伯斯先生在用iphone的ipod功能時,有一首歌就是Green Day的新專輯American Idiot 中的一首:Boulevard Of Broken Dreams,讓我印象深刻,記得我高三上買過他們的Nimrod,蠻喜歡那張的說,another turning point, a fork stuck in the road. Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go.So make the best of this test, and don't ask why.It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time.It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.I hope you had the time of your life......這首Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life)總是可以完整的一起唱著歌詞,本以為他們漸紅之後和oasis一般積弱不振,綠洲總有乾涸的一天,但green day大概還可以茂盛好一陣子吧.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
奇愛博士 Dr. Strangelove
它的副標題是 or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb,剛剛上網查才發現還有個副標,前幾天的下午看的錄影帶,在鼻塞頭疼的中午起床後,覺得該看點電影了,自從去年十月看的Leonard Cohen的紀錄片及致敬演唱會錄影就沒再看過電影了,下午近傍晚的浩然一樓視聽室,我看了 奇蹟的夏天 / 奇愛博士 / 愛情決勝點,奇蹟夏天讓我完全看不下去,但也還是跳著看完,伍迪艾倫的愛情決勝點也是,不過愛情決勝點果然是伍迪艾倫很會說故事的,奇蹟夏天如同翻滾男孩的操作模式,讓人邊看邊皺眉頭,這個下午只有1964年的黑白片-奇愛博士讓我完完整整地看完,前往蘇俄的轟炸飛機上的嘟哆嘟哆低音配樂怎麼鍋蓋頭好像也有用?而劇情仍舊是極為經典果然是Stanley Kubrick,2001太空漫遊/發條橘子/鬼店,許多經典的情節鏡頭連周星馳都愛用,上拋的骨頭變成太空船/從兩側湧灌而入的紅色潮血,恐怖片的經典元素他全用上了(關於鬼店的經典元素,當時看完片後曾和盛裕著實聊了一會),ㄟ不對,是他鬼店用上的元素後來都成了恐怖片的必用的經典元素,大雪/通訊隔絕的孤島/傳說/鬼魅/迷宮/精神異常/小孩子鬼/浴缸腐屍/湧血/近乎潔癖的乾淨明亮空間卻讓你感到害怕/用日常生活的聲響卻讓你感到恐懼/砍人用的是斧頭連金田一裡的殺人犯都愛用,以上只是鬼店,奇愛博士的結尾讓我措手不及,大概是翻譯的關係漏了一些情節的樣子,原來無法那無法回頭的核子導彈系統正是奇愛博士的貢獻,而 發射飛彈的瘋狂將領的部下/美國總統/奇愛博士 原來是一人分飾的三角,若不說我還真不知道,但發狂的將領走進廁所 直覺他會自殺,果然下一秒就傳來槍聲,之後還有挨槍爆漿的可口可樂販賣機/與核彈一起飛的超high士官/奇愛博士結尾的表情,片末的核彈連環爆與優雅的古典配樂,怎麼都似曾相識?視聽社的五年裡,許多電影皆在半夢半醒之際看完,昏暗的小房間,分不出是否為煙灰的煙灰色地毯,旋轉的吊扇,橘色的塑料煙灰缸,我想我與奇愛博士早已在那第一次昏睡裡接觸,許多的電影記憶皆是攪和不清地進入我的腦海.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Sad Song / Definitely Maybe / oasis
Sad Song
Written By Noel Gallagher
Sing a sad song
In a lonely place
Try to put a word in for me
It's been so long
Since I found this place
You better put in two or three
We as people, are just walking 'round
Our heads are firmly fixed in the ground
What we don't see
Well it can't be real
What we don't touch we cannot feel
Where we're living in this town
The sun is coming up and it's going down
But it's all just the same at the end of the day
And we cheat and we lie
Nobody says it's wrong
So we don't ask why
Cause it's all just the same at the end of the day
We're throwing it all away
We're throwing it all away
We're throwing it all away at the end of the day
If you need it
Something I can give
I know I'd help you if I can
If your honest and you say that you did
You know that I would give you my hand
Or a sad song
In a lonely place
I'll try to put a word in for you
Need a shoulder? well if that's the case
You know there's nothing I wouldn't do
Where we're living in this town
The sun is coming up and it's going down
But it's all just the same at the end of the day
When we cheat and we lie
Nobody says it's wrong
So we don't ask why
Cause it's all just the same at the end of the day
Don't throw it all away
Don't throw it all away
Don't throw it all away
Don't throw it all away
Throwing it all away
Throwing it all away
Throwing it all away
Throwing it all away
Throwing it all away
You're throwing it all away at the end of the day
Written By Noel Gallagher
Sing a sad song
In a lonely place
Try to put a word in for me
It's been so long
Since I found this place
You better put in two or three
We as people, are just walking 'round
Our heads are firmly fixed in the ground
What we don't see
Well it can't be real
What we don't touch we cannot feel
Where we're living in this town
The sun is coming up and it's going down
But it's all just the same at the end of the day
And we cheat and we lie
Nobody says it's wrong
So we don't ask why
Cause it's all just the same at the end of the day
We're throwing it all away
We're throwing it all away
We're throwing it all away at the end of the day
If you need it
Something I can give
I know I'd help you if I can
If your honest and you say that you did
You know that I would give you my hand
Or a sad song
In a lonely place
I'll try to put a word in for you
Need a shoulder? well if that's the case
You know there's nothing I wouldn't do
Where we're living in this town
The sun is coming up and it's going down
But it's all just the same at the end of the day
When we cheat and we lie
Nobody says it's wrong
So we don't ask why
Cause it's all just the same at the end of the day
Don't throw it all away
Don't throw it all away
Don't throw it all away
Don't throw it all away
Throwing it all away
Throwing it all away
Throwing it all away
Throwing it all away
Throwing it all away
You're throwing it all away at the end of the day
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