Wednesday, December 20, 2006

蕭芳芳 之 <女人,四十>

Summer Snow
剛剛google了一下,原來"女人,四十"這部電影的英文片名即是Summer Snow,大概是電影快結束前吧,片中的蕭芳芳遍尋不著患有痴呆而走失的父親,就在一條有著樹林小逕上,他終於找到了她的父親,就在她找到他父親時,她倆所處的樹林開始落下如白雪一般的花片,兩人都會此景色而欣喜不已,她之前的著急心情,頓時如花片一般地落下,就是這一幕,讓我對這部電影印象深刻,因為我也為這一幕而感動,依稀記得片中蕭芳芳非常動人深刻的演出,她在現實世界中也有一位患有痴呆的母親,或許這也是她能扮演這個腳色如此動容的緣故吧,一位工作遇到瓶頸且剛剛步入更年期的中年婦女,同時家中又有一位難搞的父親,一連串的人生不如意接踵而來,為何會突然想到這部電影呢?誠品的廣告mail>推薦書摘-諾貝爾文學獎得主大江健三郎最新譯本《如何造就小說家如我》>google大江健三郎>林清玄談大江健三郎一文(中也提到了女人四十,就是這樣~

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Strawberry Fields Forever

Strawberry Fields Forever


Let me take you down, 'cause I'm going to Strawberry Fields.
Nothing is real and nothing to get hungabout.
Strawberry Fields forever.

Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see.
It's getting hard to be someone but it all works out, it doesn't matter much to me.
Let me take you down, 'cause I'm going to Strawberry Fields.
Nothing is real and nothing to get hungabout.
Strawberry Fields forever.

No one I think is in my tree, I mean it must be high or low.
That is you can't you know tune in but it's all right, that is I think it's not too bad.
Let me take you down, 'cause I'm going to Strawberry Fields.
Nothing is real and nothing to get hungabout.
Strawberry Fields forever.

Always, no sometimes, think it's me, but you know I know when it's a dream.
I think I know I mean a 'Yes' but it's all wrong, that is I think I disagree.
Let me take you down, 'cause I'm going to Strawberry Fields.
Nothing is real and nothing to get hungabout.
Strawberry Fields forever.
Strawberry Fields forever.

Monday, December 18, 2006

08-Imitation of Life

Charades, pop skill
Water hyacinth, named by a poet
Imitation of life
Like a koi in a frozen pond
Like a goldfish in a bowl
I don't want to hear you cry

That's sugarcane that tasted good
That's cinnamon, that's Hollywood
Come on, come on, no-one can see you try

You want the greatest thing
The greatest thing since bread came sliced
You've got it all, you've got it sized

Like a Friday fashion show teenager
Freezing in the corner
Trying to look like you don't try

That's sugarcane that tasted good
That's cinnamon, that's Hollywood
Come on, come on, no-one can see you try

No-one can see you cry

That's sugarcane that tasted good
That's freezing rain, that's what you could
Come on, come on, no-one can see you cry

This sugarcane
This lemonade
This hurricane, I'm not afraid
Come on, come on, no-one can see me cry

This lightning storm
This tidal wave
This avalanche, I'm not afraid
Come on, come on, no-one can see me cry

That's sugarcane that tasted good
That's who you are, that's what you could
Come on, come on, no-one can see you cry

That's sugarcane that tasted good
That's who you are, that's what you could
Come on, come on, no-one can see you cry

Friday, December 08, 2006


冷冷的晚上還是最適合聽 yo la tengo 的 i can hear the heart beating as one,在冷一點是 electro pura.

stockholm syndrome

What's the matter, why don't you answer
What's the matter with me
Cause it's so hard to be
Free and easy, we'll disappear completely
Hardly as I've known it's glad

You're heart is broken, and the doors are open
As you're hoping to be
There's brighter places to see
Hands need warning, early in the morning
Hardly as I've known a surprise

No, don't warn me
I know it's wrong, but I swear it won't take long
And I know, you know,
It makes me sigh; I do believe in love

Another season, but the same old feelings
Another reason could be
I'm tired of aching, summer's what you make it
But I'll believe what I want to believe


最近新歡是1976,好久沒這樣聽華語音樂,因為是中文的關係,還是比英文容易朗朗上口,作設計時聽1976,騎摩托車時聽1976,走去機車棚時聽1976,在房間裡聽1976,慢跑時聽1976,嗯 最近沒騎腳踏車,所以還沒騎腳踏車聽1976.

Monday, December 04, 2006



Monday, November 27, 2006

feel the music

有些音樂總是讓人感到某種無原由的失落,new order的即是,joy division會讓人墜入無盡的深淵,new order延續了joy division,雖然多了電氣鼓聲,少了歇斯底里的巨星主唱,旋律上的優美與憂鬱仍舊感傷,而相反的,yo la tengo卻總是對你吟唱著生命的美好,時而噪音時而輕快時而低吟,似乎訴說著生活的起落挫折,但卻不時鼓勵著你,elliot smith唱出了少年時光的青澀與某些回憶......

Monday, October 09, 2006

elliott smith - between the bars

第一次聽見elliott smith的這首歌是在電影心靈捕手裡,那時新竹的二輪電影院-中央戲院還在時所看的,還可以清晰地記得片中,麥特戴蒙坐在電車上,午後陽光灑進車廂內,斑剝的樹影投印在車箱裡,elliott smith的歌聲也慢慢地淡入,一直都蠻喜歡這部電影及它的原聲帶,elliott smith的音樂總能觸動我,就是感覺可以貼近自己的那種音樂,可能想起某個人,某些回憶......就在電車的行進之間,時光流逝在速度裡,每當坐在電車裡,望著窗外,elliott smith的音樂便在耳邊想起.
Drink up baby,stay up all night
With the things you could do,you won't but you might
The potential you'll be that you'll never see
The promises you'll only make
drink up with me now forget all about
the pressure of days do what i say & ill make you ok
drive them away
the image is stuck in your head
People you've been before that you don't want around anymore
That push and shove and won't bend to your will
I'll keep them still
drink up baby look at the stars
ill kiss you againbetween the bars
where im seeing you there
with your hands in the air
waiting to finally be caught
drink up one more time& ill make you mine
keep you apartdeep in my heart
seperate from the restbut i like you the best
keep the things you forgot
People you've been before that you don't want around anymore
That push and shove and won't bend to your will
I'll keep them still

Sunday, October 08, 2006

陳建年 東清村3號


Thursday, August 10, 2006

Thursday, August 03, 2006

you say "You Forgot It in People" , and i start to gather the chips left behind

you make me remind the first time i touch the sound of rock , those memories had turn to pieces of chips .

Sunday, June 04, 2006

autograph of austaia post rock band "dirty three"

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Yeah Yeah Yeahs

耳聞一陣子的樂團,終於聽到他們的音樂,好久沒聽到這麼讓人搖擺的音樂了!Yeah Yeah Yeahs!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

neil young still young

聽著neil young 的新專輯-living with war,心理想著 嗯 這老人 還蠻有一套的.

Monday, May 08, 2006

joy division 就是 joy division

抓了 heart & soul boxset,聽到了Atmosphere,怎麼鼓聲這麼地甜梅號,近20年前音樂(我猜),依舊讓我聽的心驚膽跳,ian curtis 呼 ~

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Seawards by sickoakes

雖然對於所謂的後搖滾post rock已然有點興趣缺缺,在mp3堆裡發現沒抓完整的mp3,稍微聽了一下,還算ok,再查了一下,果然是galleer推薦,嗯 這種有著蛋蛋哀傷感的音樂,蠻自溺的,或許也是自己漸漸不太青睞的原因吧,但偶爾拿出來自溺一下 還ok.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Elliott Smith - Still Here

Elliott Smith - Still Here

here if you want melistening so closefrom far awaymemorizing what you told melike a foreigneron holiday smiling at confusionfilling in the cracks, before you sleepdancing on the highwaythe broken line that leads from you to mei'll be at my station all nightwith my jack and my flashlightstill here if you want melook at what i can dowith empty timelost love and words that haunt meisn't this flat wrongto sound so sublimeone strike In the muralplanting it to placelike someone's kissdead calmon the tranquilsee between you and mewell that's all that is buti'm here if you want me my lovedancing on the highwayyour sun still in my skyoh my oh my

Monday, April 24, 2006

one director one film


Monday, April 17, 2006

keith jarrett


Monday, March 06, 2006

"Heart Of Gold"

I want to live,I want to giveI've been a minerfor a heart of gold.It's these expressionsI never give That keep me searchingfor a heart of gold And I'm getting old.Keeps me searchingfor a heart of gold And I'm getting old.I've been to Hollywood I've been to RedwoodI crossed the oceanfor a heart of gold I've been in my mind,it's such a fine lineThat keeps me searching for a heart of gold And I'm getting old.Keeps me searchingfor a heart of gold And I'm getting old.Keep me searching for a heart of gold You keep me searching for a heart of gold And I'm getting old.I've been a minerfor a heart of gold. shit 剛剛打的字 不見了 . 再說吧

Friday, February 24, 2006

Sigur Rós : Takk...

Dolphins hum a lullaby in the deep blue sea . You are diving into it feeling no cold and just like in the uterus of your Mom .

Saturday, February 18, 2006

frederic truong 一樣的音樂 沒想到 感覺 越聽越不一樣 如同 專輯中附的一首mv中的兩個畫面

Saturday, January 21, 2006

不得不稱讚一下 李安

這幾天去看了斷背山,既不煽情也沒有誇張的劇情,一切就是那樣地平舖直述,幾乎完全照著小說跑,片頭-天空極藍 雲朵極立體,就是記憶裡的某個夏日景象,看完時覺得還好,反而覺得 啊 就這樣啊,但 沒錯 就是那樣,但仔細回想,劇中的每一慕卻都是如此的精準,幾乎沒有多餘的部分,但這不是重點,重點是這部片的後座力極強,今年看了很多部電影,也看了不少近期比較好的電影,例如那幾位韓國導演金基德或是补贊郁,沒錯他們的電影形式能力很好,但卻沒有斷背山那樣地觸動,透過斷背山,勾起了過去的某些回憶,如同李安說的每個人的心中都有一座斷背山,此外配樂也很好聽。


Saturday, January 07, 2006

music / dance

音樂與跳舞的血液成分 應該潛在於每個人身體內 血管中 聽著 the notwist 的 neon golden 不自覺地想舞動身體電氣化的節拍 溫暖的音符 透過過冷冷的空氣 震動我的耳膜 觸動了腦海的某個角落

An Evening with Felix Fan's Muzik3

今晚在交大聽了第一場的音樂會 ( 還巧遇劉塗 , 聊了一下 ) , 還蠻特別的一場特別的音樂會 <大提琴家范雅志的前衛之夜: Muzik3 在台灣~ 大提琴 / 范雅志、擊樂 / David Cossin 、客席鋼琴 / 辛幸純 > , 讓我感興趣的是"前衛"二字 , 想聽聽到底有多前衛 , 整場演奏分為四段 , 第一段 曲名 : The Harmony of the Body Machine (by Annie Gosfield) , 大提琴演奏 及 預先錄製的環境音 - 馬路聲 ...... , 在聽第一段時 不時讓我想起 文-溫德斯 的電影 - 巴黎德州 , 時而吵雜 時而空寂 有時又讓人感覺在一望無際的德州公路上 , 總覺得背景應該打上德州公路的影像 ; 第二段 曲名 : Wind ( by Gordon Chin 金希文 ) , 這段除了 范雅志的大提琴外 還加了 David Cossin 的擊樂 , 擊樂部分 David Cossin 特別地用了奇特的樂器組合 : 一開始的單面皮鼓倒置 中間放著數顆彈珠 彈珠在鼓面上漫遊 滾出帶點迷幻又連續的聲響 聲音乎遠乎近 , 接著不時開合一把中式扇子 不論聽覺或視覺皆有笑點 不過沒有人笑出來 , 然後 是突如其來地 用力採地面上的充氣塑膠袋 就 噗~地一聲 就噢降 , 然後有個看似新鮮 但意義上又soso的動作 就是突然從口袋中抓出一把大豆 往上空一拋 然後大豆大豆 落 在鼓面上 地面上 叮叮咚咚 前前後後丟了三次豆吧 , 第二段 開始前 女主持人 辛幸純 ( 稍後我才知道原來她是今天第四段的鋼琴伴奏 同時兼交大音樂所所長 嗯 ) 介紹說 擊樂 是"時間" 而大提琴是"風" , 我倒覺得大提琴是時間 而擊樂是穿梭於時間其間的旋律 , 總之第二段 娛樂性大於聆聽性 這是真的 因為我有試著閉上眼睛去聆聽 但可能是我想像力有限 感受不出特別的感覺 , 中場休息後的 第三段 ( Uphill Slides and Knockdown Dives ) 作曲者同第一段 , 還是大提琴加擊樂 , 這段擊樂 大概是變不出新把戲了 , 喔不 , 是規矩了一點 只有用提琴弓 ( 是這樣稱呼的嗎? ) 隨著提琴拉木琴的邊 聲音混再提琴聲中 多了點空靈的感覺 , 還有Dirty Three 也有用的毛刷擊鼓 , 第三段聆聽性類似第一段 多於第二段 , 同一個作曲者出品 還是有點保障 , 第四段 曲目是 Tight Sweather ( by Marc Mellits ) 鋼琴伴奏的出場 讓人期待 , 果然 壓軸的果然是壓軸 , 第四段 原有曲目六段 今天只挑了前四段 , 第一段叫做 Exposed Zipper ( 外漏的拉鍊 ? ) 第二段 Trans Fatty Acid's Rein ( 什麼肥酸什麼 ? ) 第三段 Mara's Lullaby ( 作曲馬克寫給她女兒的 馬拉搖籃曲 ) 第四段 Pickle Trousers ( 醃漬長褲 ?) , 終於第四段 安分了點 , 沒有搞什麼 聽不下去的前衛 好聽多了 而且是非常地好聽 尤其是第三段的搖籃曲 很久沒有聽到這樣感人的音樂了 , 幸好馬克的網頁裡有Mp3可以免費下載 , 雖然都只有局部 但也可以止渴 , 結束後 是一連串不停止的掌聲 , 好在范雅志的爹地有來 ( 范雅志 顯然是不會中文的ABC 幸好鋼琴手不但鋼琴彈地好又兼音樂所所長 還兼翻譯 ) 更巧的是 他爹明天生日 所以我們又多了首 馬克改編的生日快樂歌可聽 大提琴 加木琴 依樣好聽 而且 聽的出送給父親 暖暖心意 . ( 附上 他們的網頁 ) 呼 ~ 打字間 我還看了場 v8版 金鋼 , 音樂會 nt : 100 金鋼 無價 !

Monday, January 02, 2006
